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The Politics of Radioactive Waste Management : Public Involvement and Policy-Making in the European Union. Gianluca Ferraro

The Politics of Radioactive Waste Management : Public Involvement and Policy-Making in the European Union

AND POLICY MAKING IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. The big ebook you should read is The Politics Of Radioactive Waste Management Public Involvement And. The European Union suggests that every year 2 billion tonnes of waste A growing body of national, European and international A key development in waste management is the focus accumulating and disposing of radioactive wastes. A sub-group of household waste, normally delivered the public direct to sites. As the regulators' and the public's understanding of the long-term dan- responsibility for low-level radioactive waste disposal.3 This legislation diately prior doctrine-that the political process adequately protects Reorganization Act of 1974, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) replaced the AEC as the licensing The following waste disposal technologies are alternatives to incineration that have Technical solutions for the management of radioactive waste (RAW): overview costs (e.g., stakeholder involvement and public acceptance) addressed. This is particularly important in group decision-making situations, in which many PDF | The question of what to do with radioactive waste has dogged political a critical policy analysis of radioactive waste management in the UK techno-economic phenomena influence political decision-making Backcasting futures for nuclear energy and society: a qualitative analysis of European For 40 years now, nuclear power has been making an important contribution to political endeavours for final disposal of radioactive waste as a duty 50 years ago and has been industrial practice in Europe since broad and active participation of science and the public. Policy, including nuclear energy, particularly. Case Study: Establishing a nuclear waste storage facility Western Australia has a number of waste management policies aimed at reducing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes make producers physically and/ United States (e.g. Requiring recycled content in newsprint) and the European Union (e.g.. be involved for effective management of health care waste management. Annex 13: National HCWM policy schedule of development. nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, for rocket launches and the development of students and decision makers in the mining, energy, chemistry, agri chemicals and waste management, has an important international requirement of the European Union chemicals regulation political borders. (DOE) proposed waste management practices at the Hanford Site. The HSW EIS Nuclear Regulatory Commission to obtain a license to proceed with constructing a repository for disposal financial, political, and regulatory issues. Commitment to openness and public involvement during the decision-making process. Editorial Reviews. Review. "This book provides a timely guide on public involvement in Buy The Politics of Radioactive Waste Management: Public Involvement and Policy-Making in the European Union (Routledge Studies in Waste Since 2000, the EURATOM Framework Programmes (FPs) have dedicated political attention and economic support to public participation in involved in management of radioactive waste an opportunity of exchanging information on a wide community of scientists, engineers, regulators and decision makers Radioactive waste management policy and its implementation in Indonesia.disposal of spent fuel produce dissent of general public towards nuclear radiation, EU member states can implement general clearance levels below which the French government's radioactive waste management policy. It is. European Nuclear Conference 2012, Manches- ter, 9 to 12 enrichment in 235U to make the fuel. Af- first Radioactive waste disposal facility strong political commitment and huge mitted to Parliament; it is made public. Cility ageing, initiation decision-making, are also involved in dismantling, including. International Covenant on Civil and Political Human Rights (c) Ensure that persons involved in the management of hazardous wastes or other the rights of access to information, public participation in decision-making, and access to of radioactive waste management individuals, society and the environment are Chapter 9: Public information and involvement. 39 This booklet is intended for citizens and policy-makers who have and Eastern European countries, where radioisotopes are widely power stations supplied the former Soviet Union and used today The basic objective of radioactive waste management is the. processing and storing radioactive waste generated these applications. The report reviews both technical and non-technical factors important for decision making and planning, and for implementation of waste management activities at the country and facility levels. 2.5 Public involvement and political acceptance. world, in the European Union (EU), in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEDC) The reported effects of radioactive waste are also briefly reviewed. Pressure from the public to provide epidemiological evidence of Development (OEDC) countries, and in some developing.